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Prevent injuries.
Reduce costs.
Increase productivity.

Using expert knowledge in biomechanics and ergonomics to transform healthcare access for the American workforce and reduce healthcare costs for employers.

Impact of Injury on American Workforce

Each year, over 1 million musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries occur in the American workforce, leading to over $500 billion in lost productivity, medical costs, and workers compensation for employers.


  • Over 350 million work days per year are lost due to MSK related issues

  • The average cost of workers compensation is approximately $50 thousand per incident


WorkForm's mission is to serve the hardworking employees that are the backbone of our country. Our goal is to directly impact the American workforce by preventing injury and enhancing  performance for the employee, while reducing costs and improving productivity for the employer.


Biomechanics + Ergonomics = Injury Resilience

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